Saturday, 22 August 2015

nightmares of darkness and the reality of darkness.....what darkness is actually?

People often think that nightmares means something, no matter sooner or later but they do come true, when in reality nightmares are just an imagination which sometime gets true but very rarely and its true because... sometime people take something very serious in their life and start making perceptions about irrelevant thinking of theirs. What exactly happens then? is still irrelevant to discuss though, but not in every case as exceptions are always every where.
                                                                                        "DARKNESS" and "NIGHTMARES", there is no relationship between both but still they are very interesting topics.
According to me, Nightmares are the feelings of sensation or sometimes message from GOD to makes us aware of some trouble (for those people who devote their life to GOD) and for other people its just the flashback of their whole day out experience. Most of the people don't understands the actual meaning of life so far, unless they got any direction by someone and most of the people can't see anything beyond what they see with their own two eyes. According to me, 'human body is just a sack of "urine and shit" and nothing else. It's just that people got different faces outside but all are same from inside and yea mentality quite different.
Darkness give birth to the so called word "FEAR" sometime. It is difficult to say why but fear of darkness is something what i enjoy the  most or i can say its the most interesting feeling. I love everything about darkness, no matter if it is fear or anything else. The more we afraid of something leads darkness to visualize those scary things in front of us.

x Govind Khajuria x

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